My rad mama bought me the best present ever. It's a collection of essays called Mothering and Blogging: The Radical Act of the Mommyblog, edited by May Friedman and Shana L. Calixte. (and it's available for purchase here, at this fabulous site, Motherhood Initiative for Research and Community Involvement or MIRCI, which, if you are a mama-nerd like me, you should spend some time perusing). I will definitely more about said book when I finish (so, like, sometime next year).
But- I did manage to read the foreward by Judith Stadman Tucker, in which, among other things, she discussed the idea of 'computer-mediated self'. During this discussion, Stadman Tucker includes a bit of a blog that discusses this idea, as follows: "But were we to meet on the street, I don't think you'd really like me....This is a one-dimensional medium, and we all pick or choose what we reveal about the Blogosphere, we can be best and the brightest version of ourselves. All the time." (BlogRhet, "Persona," June 21, 2007).
And after I picked myself off the floor and managed to stop laughing my ass off, I reflected that I must have missed that particular day in mommyblogger school.
I would like to assure you all now (justi n case you were now worried that I was more of a basketcase than you initially thought) that you do not get the 'best and brightest version' of me. I seem to adhere to the opposite theory of mommyblogging. I like to confess all my parenting transgressions, foibles, worries and fuck-ups. Lots and lots of foibles and fuck ups. I find it all MUCH more cathartic that way.
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