Wednesday, September 8, 2010

nominated? moi?

I found out today that some exceptionally kind person nominated my blog for Babble's Top 50 Mommy Blogs.  I am beyond flattered, and really it couldn't have happened on a better (read: worse!) self-esteem day.  So thanks Nicole - if you're out there reading this.  That was really awesome of you.

And if anyone else feels the urge to vote too - or check out any other fabulous mommy bloggers - head on over to  (The best way to find blogs is the do an alphabetical search :)

And wow.  Thanks again Nicole.  Really.


  1. Mama T, I love your blog! I devoured it in two nights, every single post. I have a five month old daughter at home and just finished my mat leave - so much of what you say resonates with me about how wonderful and crazy-making it is to be home with a child, how your identity morphs into something different when you're home with a baby.

    Keep it up!


  2. You totally deserve it Mama T and it was my pleasure. I've read a lot of the blogs of the thousands on the list (what else is there to do while nursing) and yours is as good as any of the top 10, and even better than some of those! So keep it up because you my dear have fans.

  3. Thanks :) Wish I'd have been introduced to the blogosphere when Boy-o was brand spankin' new and I was breastfeeding all the time. Would have been so fun!
